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my_tx_history (from_id limit=10 max=false page_number)

The my_tx_history method returns the blockchain transactions involving the AtomicDEX API node's coin address.

The coin that is used must have tx_history set to true in its enable or electrum call.

coinstringthe name of the coin for the history request
limitnumberlimits the number of returned transactions; ignored if max = true
maxboolwhether to return all available records; defaults to false
from_idstringAtomicDEX API will skip records until it reaches this ID, skipping the from_id as well; track the internal_id of the last displayed transaction to find the value of this field for the next page
page_numbernumberAtomicDEX API will return limit swaps from the selected page; This param will be ignored if from_uuid is set.

transactionsarray of objectstransactions data
from_idstringthe from_id specified in the request; this value is null if from_id was not set
skippednumberthe number of skipped records (i.e. the position of from_id in the list + 1); this value is 0 if from_id was not set
limitnumberthe limit that was set in the request; note that the actual number of transactions can differ from the specified limit (e.g. on the last page)
totalnumberthe total number of transactions available
page_numbernumberthe page_number that was set in the request
total_pagesnumbertotal pages available with the selected limit
current_blocknumberthe number of the latest block of coin blockchain
sync_statusobjectA standard SyncStatus object. Provides the information that helps to track the progress of transaction history preloading at background

  "userpass": "testpsw",
  "method": "my_tx_history",
  "coin": "DOC",
  "limit": 1,
  "from_id": "1d5c1b67f8ebd3fc480e25a1d60791bece278f5d1245c5f9474c91a142fee8e1"

  "userpass": "testpsw",
  "method": "my_tx_history",
  "coin": "DOC",
  "max": true,
  "from_id": "1d5c1b67f8ebd3fc480e25a1d60791bece278f5d1245c5f9474c91a142fee8e1"